Komatsu - Wheel loader, Hydraulic pump - Steering pump

OEM Part Number: 704-30-29110

Description: Hydraulic gear pump for ground driven steering for a Komatsu wheel loader models WA250L0C, WA200-1, WA250-1, WA250-1LC, WA250-3, WA250PT-3, WA250-3L, WA300-1, WA320-1, WA320-3L.

Machine Model: WA200-1, WA250-1, WA250-1LC, WA250-3, WA250-3-SN, WA250-3L, WA250-3MC, WA250L-3, WA250PT-3, WA250PT-3L, WA250PT-3MC, WA300-1, WA320-1, WA320-3L., WA320-3MC

Machine S/N: WA200-1 (S/N 10001-UP), WA200-1 (S/N 10001-UP (Overseas Version)), WA250PT-3 (S/N 50001-UP (Parallel Linkage Spec.)), WA250L-3 (S/N 53001-UP (For North America / Chassis only)), WA250L-3 (S/N 53001-UP (For North America)), WA250-3 (S/N 53001-UP), WA250-3 (S/N 65001-UP), WA250-3-SN (S/N 65001-UP), WA250-1 (S/N 10001-UP), WA320-1 (S/N 10001-UP), WA300-1 (S/N 10001-UP (Overseas Version)), WA320-3MC (S/N A31001-UP), WA320-3L (S/N A30001-UP), WA250-1LC (S/N A65001-UP), WA250-3L (S/N A70001-UP), WA250-3MC (S/N A71001-UP), WA250PT-3MC (S/N A78001-UP), WA250PT-3L (S/N A75001-UP)

Other OEM Part Numbers: 704-30-29110, 7043029110

Notes: SAM28. Iron pump.

Dimensions: 1581

Unit Weight (lb): 30.80

Price: $1,716.29

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Price: $1,716.29